
Installing Cloud Custodian

python3 -m virtualenv custodian
source custodian/bin/activate
pip install c7n

Writing policy

A policy specifies the following items

  • The type of resource to run the policy against
  • Filters to narrow down the set of resources
  • Actions to take on the filtered set of resources

Policy to look for public access buckets

  • Create new policy vi s3-public-access.yml
  - name: s3-global-access
    description: |
      Finds global access s3 buckets in your account
    resource: s3
    region: ap-south-1
      - type: global-grants
      - no-op
  • We can validate the policy before executing by running the following command
custodian validate s3-public-access.yml
  • Perform the dryrun by running the following command
custodian run --dryrun -s output s3-public-access.yml
  • Execute the policy by running the following command
custodian run -s output s3-public-access.yml
  • Then access the buckets public using
cat output/s3-global-access/resources.json | grep autodefence

s3 policy execution dryrun

Applying the changes to fix this issue

  • Update the policy with below changes vi s3-public-access.yml
  - name: s3-global-access
    description: |
      Finds global access s3 buckets in your account and fix them
    resource: s3
    region: ap-south-1
      - type: global-grants
      - type: delete-global-grants
          - ""
          - ""
  • Now validate and execute the policy to apply the changes to fix the s3 buckets public access
custodian validate s3-public-access.yml
custodian run --dryrun -s output s3-public-access.yml
custodian run -s output s3-public-access.yml
  • Then run the slurp to scan for the s3 buckets again to see if the defence applied
./slurp internal

The result will not return any Public S3 buckets that we created